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GUI Mode

Good for beginners, the GUI mode allows you to take full advantage of all features SoulFire offers.

This guide expects that you have SoulFire already installed and running on your machine. If you haven’t done that yet, please refer to the Installation Guide

Starting the GUI

The first thing you see is a question is whether you want an Integrated server or connect to a remove server by address and token.

For beginners, it is recommended to Click on Use integrated server. This means that SoulFire will run on your machine instead of controlling a remote server to do attacks on your behalf.

If you are a power-user wanting to learn more about why and how to set up a remote server. Follow the Dedicated Mode guide

Main Screen

You will first be greeted by a message asking whether it is your first time using SoulFire, if yes then click yes, if not then click no. The hints will give you info about what actions you can do.


The panel on the right side of the screen is the logs panel. It shows you the logs of the actions you have done. If you are having issues (or errors), you can copy the logs and send the logs to the developers for help. You can right-click inside the logs panel and click on upload to create a link with your logs inside.


Below the logs panel is a thin bar with a text input. This is the command panel. You can type commands here to interact with SoulFire. Unlike with Minecraft, commands do not start with /. So unlike in Minecraft where you type /help, here you just type help. All commands work like that in SoulFire. Commands can sometimes be scoped to a single attack or a single bot.

Not all commands control what a bot does, some just control the software itself or print metrics. For commands that control bots like the command walk 0 0 0 it by default runs for all bots in all attacks. If you want to scope it to a single bot or a single attack, you can do so by prefixing the command with the attack syntax. So if you only want to run a command on bots in attack 0, you put in attack 0 walk 0 0 0. This will run the command for al bots of attack 0. You can also scope it to a bot by name. For basically bot Bot_1 walk 0 0 0 will run the command for all bots in all attacks that have the name Bot_1. If you want to scope it even more, you can combine the two: attack 0 bot Bot_1 walk 0 0 0.

Starting your first attack

SoulFire, like any other software, needs to be told what to do. You can control basic features under the Bot Settings panel, which you can access by clicking on the Bot Settings button on the left side of the screen. There you can, along with many other options, set the address of the server you want to attack, the amount of bots to send and the delay between each bot. You can also set what version of Minecraft the server has, if it is not the default version, you have to change it or else there will be issues.

To leave the menu, click on the Back button on the top left of the screen. Now you can also tweak settings of installer or built-in plugins under the Plugins panel.

To start an attack, you can click on the Start button on the left side of the screen. Then you can see in the logs panel the status of the attack. If you want to stop the attack, you can click on the Stop button. If you want to toggle the attack, you can click on the Pause/Resume button.

Importing proxies

If you have a list of proxies you want to use, you can import them by clicking on the Proxies button on the left side of the screen. There click on the + button to add a new proxy.

To learn what format the proxies should be in, read the Proxies Page. There you can also set how many bots can use a single proxy, -1 means unlimited.

Importing accounts

If you have a list of accounts you want to use, you can import them by clicking on the Accounts button on the left side of the screen. There click on the + button to add a new account.

To learn what format the accounts should be in, read the Accounts Page.

Exporting and importing profiles

If you have a configuration you want to save, you can export it by clicking on the File -> Save Profile button. We recommend saving it inside the default profiles folder. You can also save it anywhere else on your computer.

To import a profile, click on the File -> Load Profile button. It shows profiles found inside the default profiles folder and allows you to also import profiles from a file.

Profiles contain all your settings, plugin settings, accounts and proxies.


You can change the theme of SoulFire by clicking on the View -> Theme or View -> Terminal buttons.

Last updated on