
Installing SoulFire

Here you can find everything you need for your first time installation of SoulFire as well as the recommended way of doing so. If you're having issues or questions while installing, feel free to ask questions on our discord server (opens in a new tab).

Legal disclaimer


This is a very powerful tool that shall only be used to attack your own servers. Ensure your own DDoS protection provider, and your host are okay with stress-tests. If you use this software to attack others, you make yourself (or your legal guardians) criminally liable; the developers of SoulFire are not responsible for your own actions.


To be able to use SoulFire, little is needed:

  • An internet connection to download the software.
  • A supported operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux) with an amd64/x86_64 architecture.

Platform Installation

In this section, you can read how to set up SoulFire for your PC! Select your operating system type below to get started.

Universal distribution (.jar)


Universal installation is for power-users that want to run SoulFire on aarch64/arm64 or other systems and setups. It is not recommended for the average user. For simple installation, please use the platform-specific installation methods above.

The software is fully able to run on aarch64/arm64, but we do not provide official support for it using the provided platform installation methods. If you want to run SoulFire on aarch64/arm64, you will have to manually install Java 21 or newer for your system.

Adoptium is the recommended way of installing Java for your system. You can find the download links for it on their website (opens in a new tab).

Then download the universal client jar file from the front page. After that, you can run the jar file in the terminal using the following command:

java -Xmx$RAM -XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoading -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -jar SoulFireClient.jar

Replace $RAM with the amount of RAM you want to allocate to the instance. For example, to allocate 2GB of RAM, you would use -Xmx2G. If there is no RAM specified, the instance will use 25% of the total RAM available on the system. If your machine does not have a display, or you provide CLI flags after SoulFireClient.jar, you will be forced to use CLI Mode. In any other case, the software will launch in GUI Mode.