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Commands are a way to interact with the SoulFire application server. It can either display information or control the bots.

List of commands

helpPrints a list of all available commands
generate-tokenGenerate a JWT for other clients to connect to the server
whoamiSee who you are
walk radius <radius>Makes selected bots walk to a random xz position within the radius
walk <y>Makes selected bots walk to the y coordinates
walk <xz>Makes selected bots walk to the xz coordinates
walk <xyz>Makes selected bots walk to the xyz coordinates
collect <block> <amount> <searchRadius>Makes selected bots collect a block by name or tag
follow <entity> <maxRadius>Makes selected bots follow an entity by id
excavate rectangle <from> <to>Makes selected bots dig a rectangle from the from to the to coordinates
excavate sphere <position> <radius>Makes selected bots dig a sphere with the given radius
stop-pathMakes selected bots stop pathfinding
lookat <xyz>Makes selected bots look at the block at the xyz coordinates
move forwardToggle walking forward for selected bots
move backwardToggle walking backward for selected bots
move leftToggle walking left for selected bots
move rightToggle walking right for selected bots
jumpToggle jumping for selected bots
sneakToggle sneaking for selected bots
resetResets the movement of selected bots
stop-attackStops the ongoing attacks
sparkGet spark help
spark <command>Runs a spark subcommand
onlineShows connected bots in attacks
say <message>Makes selected bots send a message in chat or execute a command
statsShows network stats
export-mapExports images of all map items. Can be a held item or in a item-frame.
export-map <map_id>Exports a image of a map item by map id. Can be a held item or in a item-frame.
bot <bot_names> ...Instead of running a command for selected bots, run it for a specific list of bots. Use a comma to separate the names
attack <attack_ids> ...Instead of running a command for selected attacks, run it for a specific list of attacks. Use a comma to separate the ids

Example usage

walkxyz 578 65 100

How to generate this list

Run the command print-commands in the console of the GUI, CLI or Dedicated server.

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