

Plugins are a way to extend the functionality of SoulFire. SoulFire also comes with a few built-in plugins that can be enabled or disabled.

📻 Built-in plugins


Automatically respawns bots with a random delay when they die. Bots do not cause a lot of lags when they are dead, so this module is useful for ensuring that the bots are always alive and performing their actions.


Automatically runs /register and /login on cracked servers. Also supports /captcha for servers that have it.


Automatically jumps with a random delay. Useful for slowing the server down. It will also make the bots send a lot of movement packets, which is useful for testing the server's performance.

ClientSettings & ClientBrand

Configurable client settings like chat visibility, chat colours, skin customization, and more. Client brand can also be changed to any string; by default, it's set to "vanilla". Useful for bypassing anti-bot plugins that check for client settings.

Community plugins

Community plugins are plugins that are not built-in but are made by the community. Plugins can be written in Java or Kotlin and can be loaded at startup of the SoulFire server. Plugins are able to use Mixins, which is the same system used in Minecraft mods to modify the game. SoulFire does not use Minecraft code, so Minecraft mods are not compatible with SoulFire. Plugins normally only modify the SoulFire application server, not the GUI/CLI interface directly.

Any questions regarding how SoulFire works and how to write a plugin can be asked in the Discord.

How to write a plugin

To write a plugin, you need to create a new Java or Kotlin project. Right now there is no full guide on how to write a plugin, but you can look at the built-in plugins for inspiration. There is also a plugin template (opens in a new tab) available on GitHub.

How to install a plugin

To install a plugin, you need to place the plugin .jar file in the plugins directory of the SoulFire server. The SoulFire server will automatically load all .jar files in the plugins directory at startup. The plugins directory is in different places depending on your setup and operating system. If you use the integrated server, you'll find the plugins directory at %APPDATA%\SoulFire\integrated-server\plugins. On linux, it's ~/.local/share/SoulFire/integrated-server/plugins. If you use a dedicated server, you'll find the plugins directory located in the same directory as the server .jar file.

Plugin list

Feel free to share your plugins with the community here. Open a pull request to add your plugin to the list. Plugins should be open-source and hosted on GitHub. If you want to share a paid plugin, please contact the developers.

Plugin nameDescriptionAuthor
Example Plugin (opens in a new tab)An example plugin that adds jump boost hacksAlexProgrammerDE